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The prevalence of alternative facts in United States society is genuinely concerning and unfortunately relevant to the current world of politics. While reading this article, I could not help myself but continue to laugh and silently shake my head; how could a presidency, in which American citizens should feel protected and safe under, be so misleading and irrational? How could any "educated" individual in an office position cross so many lines in less than a year? And they expect us to go along with the obvious misguiding? Clearly, the Trump administration is uneducated and non reliable, and are relying on alternative facts and "beating around the bush" to cover their lies and discrimination up. We are hoping that, someday, the Trump administration will change the way they present themselves to their citizens, but we all rightfully assume that we are living four years of unrepresentational, unforgiving, unwarranted Hell. Students our age are left to pick up the pieces here. If anything, Trump has taught me how to NOT present myself in public.


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