Diary Entries,
This is the day my work is published in a magazine. In Juxtapoz, there is an entire article about my social justice artwork, because they found it creatively-forward and insightful on the issues I discuss. Sincerely, this is extremely important to my artistic career, because it justifies my work as a political figure and as a professional artist. I owe it to my schooling that brought me here, because they disciplined me into strengthening my creative eye and social views, which has helped me become more socially aware of my position in society.
This is the day my work is published in a magazine. In Juxtapoz, there is an entire article about my social justice artwork, because they found it creatively-forward and insightful on the issues I discuss. Sincerely, this is extremely important to my artistic career, because it justifies my work as a political figure and as a professional artist. I owe it to my schooling that brought me here, because they disciplined me into strengthening my creative eye and social views, which has helped me become more socially aware of my position in society.
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